Moon App Gives Advanced Bots to Make Money On-Chain

Get fast transactions executed by bots, based on your command. Configure your trade by entering detailed paratemers and let bots do their work.

Moon App makes the smart altcoin trading available to the masses in a simple, safe, and decentralized front end.
Get fast transactions executed by bots, based on your command. Configure your trade by entering detailed parameters and let bots do the work.

Moon App makes the smart altcoin trading available to the masses in a simple, safe, and decentralized front end.

Altcoins: The Opportunities in the Lower-Middle Market

Moon App is building an easy-to-use, retail-friendly product for automating altcoinmoney-making.
Altcoin market is home to various tokens
$500 /billion
Altcoin market is home to various tokens
The upper altcoin market enjoy a comprehensive range of professional trading tools and ample liquidity.
However, a clear market gap appears in the lower-middle market, which suffers from the problems of an emerging environment. That is - traders do not have access to a comparable level of information, tools, bots, and wallet trackers. Naturally, lowcap or nanocap token trading - that are mainly memecoins -  is subject to higher risks and is not perceived seriously by developers - leading to the key technologies not being built yet.
Lack of Altcoin Tooling Opens Room For Very Profitable Inefficiencies.
This market gap resulted in developers creating ways to automate on-chain activities with various bots. For example, Telegram bot Maestro allows to automate memecoin trading: limit orders and sniping captures over 5 million in trading fees, growing 30% month-on-month.
Telegram bots for memecoins require a deep understanding, inputting data manually, and this complexity becomes a barrier of entry for retail traders. This coincides with the early DeFi tools that struggled with adoption until easier front-end appeared to boost adoption.

First to Market with Mobile-Friendly Crypto

Leading fintech products, comprising $500 billion market value, are mobile-first. Mobile SuperApps simplified finance (Alipay), travel (Uber), and social media (WeChat). Mobile app is the go-to medium to attract, maintain and periodically engage millions of users.
Moon App is the first altcoin trading solution with a retail-friendly mobile interface. Users sign in without having to manage any crypto private keys: credentials run on your finger print, email, and passcode.
However, the altcoin market is experiencing a shift move to on-chain trading. Moon App is the first trading platform that allows for above CEX-grade trading capabilities (fast transactions, limit orders and automation) without taking the custody of the user’s assets.
The biggest centralized exchanges already capitalized on mobile-oriented web3 userbase. Binance, OKX, and Coinbase successfully attracted tens of millions of users with their easy-to-use mobile apps.
Non-Custodial Trading: Trend Becomes the Norm
Moon App operates in a DeFi trading market where protocols typically do not hold user funds. However, Moon App offers the advantage of automation and tooling that other trading protocols do not have, which is a much easier onboarding experience for new users.
This presupposes a market opportunity for Moon App: with trading infrastructure and level of automation that is comparable to a centralized exchange, but without the need to be exposed to counterparty and centralization risks.
This move towards non-custodial platforms is highlighted by a recently launched centralized exchange EDX Markets, backed by by the biggest firms in traditional finance: Citadel Securities, Fidelity Investments and Charles Schwab
Moon App is the only platform enabling automated, non-custodial altcoin trading with a focus on retail users en masse.
Similarly to Moon App, EDX Markets does not hold user funds. However, the platform intends to serve institutional traders and major assets in the market
Competitive Matrix
Trade Automation
Sandwich Bots
Limit Orders
Sniping Bots
No custody of clients assets
Moon App

Advanced altcoin trading,
made retail-friendly

Execute spot trades
Swap any tokens with 0 extra fees. Your trades get routed to multiple decentralized exchanges for maximum outcome and trade efficiency.
Place conditional orders 

Choose limit orders and your trades will be executed at set price targets automatically. Trail sell, stop loss, all based on your parameters.
Utilize your altcoins
Run sandwich trades - generate yield on top of your memecoin positions by utilizing them to frontrun trades.
Snipe presales
Choose a presale that you want to snipe, your tolerated gas cost, and bots will automatically execute the trade. Forget waiting in front of the screen with your eyes peeled open.
Snipe LP pools
Use our bot to generate extra yield by sniping fresh LP pools deployed by memecoin developers. Bots automatically scan & verify token contracts.
Choose a whale or call channel to copy, input your preferred parameters like min/max market cap or volume, and bots will automatically follow by trading these portfolios for you.

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